Greencross Vet

24 hours Emergency number: +853 2883 7050
24 hours Emergency number: +853 2883 7050
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CT Scan (computed tomography)

We are very proud to be the first vet hospital in Macau with a CT scan machine. Our machine was developed specifically to veterinary medicine .

Our Ct scans provide detailed, 3D images of the internal anatomy, making it the best diagnostic tool to diagnose ; head and spinal injuries, lung cancer, bone and joint diseases and also help to guide minimal invasive surgical techniques, like placing a needle in the spinal cord.


You may never need to give it any thought but, if your pet should ever require an operation, the caliber of our surgical resources and anesthetics are second to none. Only the best for your pet: Advances in veterinary medicine and surgery are ongoing, and we believe in offering the very safest treatment and care available. Naturally they may cost more, but we know for certain that there are significant benefits to be gained over traditional options. 

Setting standards high for you: Our promise to set the standards is delivered through the caliber of our vets and, of course, our nursing team. 

This, along with the advanced nature of our equipment and facilities, plus our choice of the most modern anesthetics, means that your pet couldn’t be in better hands. Surgical excellence at every level: Our surgical equipment is of the highest quality, much of it purchased from human hospitals, and spans all procedures from delicate eye surgery to fracture repair. 

Our surgeries are testament to our philosophy too, with dedicated, sterile operating theatres, tables and lighting. Pain relief, even for the smallest procedure, is paramount in our minds and attention is paid to every detail. 

An unrivalled safety with anesthesia: Safe anesthesia is paramount at the Green Cross. The entire staff is highly trained in modern anesthetic monitoring techniques, and all patients under anesthesia are also monitored with equipment similar to that used in human theatres.

Laparoscopy Surgery / Endoscopy

The Green Cross is very proud to be in the leading front when it comes to advances in veterinary Medicine and Surgery in Macau. 

We now use laparoscopic surgery has a routine procedure in our clinics. 

Laparoscopy is a procedure in which special optical instruments, or endoscopes, are used to view the interior of several parts of the body. 

Laparoscopy functions as a diagnostic tool and can also be used for several surgical techniques. 

When an endoscope is used to perform surgery in the abdominal cavity, it is called laparoscopy. 

Laparoscopic surgeries are performed through two or three very small openings into the abdominal cavity. 

These procedures are much less invasive than standard surgery, in which the abdominal cavity must be entered through an incision of varying length.

Laparoscopy have major advantages, less pain post-operative because we only need to make a small incision, better visualization to take biopsies (liver, kidney , pancreas, spleen , etc) and less complication rates compared with blind biopsies and open surgery.


The health and function of your pet’s eyes are vital to his or her well-being.

“Your pet’s eyes are its windows to the world.”

If you notice any changes in your pets vision or the way their eyes look, let us know, there is usually something that can be done before it becomes a major problem.

Don’t forget problems in the eyes can be a sign of other illnesses in the rest of the body.

How can we help?

We have a range of modern diagnostic tools and tests at our disposal to help diagnose and treat the problem.


The practice of cardiology has evolved and has become one of the most exciting and challenging specialties in veterinary medicine.

Having a Doppler ultrasound machine and an ECG machine at the Green Cross has allowed us to accurately diagnose heart problems earlier and treat animals more effectively.

This is vital to help pets with heart problems lead a longer and more fulfilling life.

The arrival of echo cardiology – ultrasound of the heart – has resulted in a major advance in veterinary cardiology.

With the use of a sophisticated ultrasound machine an expert cardiologist can analyze the heart in minute detail.

The heart can be watched beating, each valve examined and the size of each heart chamber and wall measured.

We can even measure the direction and speed of blood flow through the heart.


Bad breath can be an early sign of dental disease, which is estimated to affect at least 70% of adult dogs and cats.

Dental disease progresses in a number of different stages.

Treatment usually involves a dental scale and polish, which is carried out under general anesthesia.

During this procedure, plaque and calculus are removed and, if the disease is severe, some teeth may need to be extracted.

Unfortunately, even after a professional clean, plaque starts to build up within hours and therefore a preventative daily home-care routine is vital.

However, it is important not to use human dental products as these often contain detergents, foaming agents and fluoride!

Please contact us if you would like to book your pet in for a dental check or if you have any further questions about how to improve your pet’s dental hygiene.

24H Emergency / Intensive Care Unit

The emergency service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help you and your pet.

Our Intensive care Unit is home to the largest Veterinary Critical care in Macau and we have highly trained veterinarians in critical care.

Our staff recognizes that having to use the emergency service is stressful, and will work to keep you informed and to help you understand what is happening.

If you are unsure if your pet’s condition is an emergency, please call 28837050.

Exotic Pets

We provide the highest standard of veterinary care to all exotic pets including birds, rabbits, ferrets, rodents (guinea pigs, chinchillas, rats, hamsters, gerbils, mice, etc.), sugar gliders, reptiles, amphibians and other species.

We know that client education is key to helping pet owners minimize health risks to their pet, therefore optimizing their chance for a long-term relationship.

Let our staff provide you with the knowledge and tools to help ensure your pet’s future health.

When for some reason we need a second opinion, we use the knowledge of world renowned exotic pets veterinary specialists in Hong Kong and Australia that helps us to give the best possible care to our exotic pets.

We routinely perform surgery such as castrations (guinea pigs, rabbits, chinchillas ) , soft tissue surgery such has to remove bladder stones in guinea pigs, dental extractions in rabbits, bone surgery in birds and even eye surgery.


Cancer can be a devastating disease however if diagnosed on time it can increase greatly the chances of success.

The main goal in cancer treatment, is to diagnosed it as early as possible. “Typing” and “staging” is fundamental to achieve the best treatment possible for each individual case.

“Typing” of the tumor consists of performing a biopsy, to know what type of tumor and how malignant that tumor is.

After knowing the tumor type we will stage the disease which means we will perform a full body check to know if the cancer has already spread to other parts of the body.

With this information We will offer to our clients the best possible treatment that might consist in surgery to remove the tumor, chemotherapy , local therapy or sometimes a combination of treatments.

It is understandable that, faced with a diagnosis of cancer, you will feel frightened about the future for your pet.

Discussing your fears with us is the very best way to obtain reassurance and an independent assessment that you are doing what is right for your pet.

Laser Surgery / Therapy

Our state for the art laser machine, able us to perform delicate surgery in places difficult to get access such as troth, ear, eye and bladder.

We also use our laser for therapeutic proposes, like skin wounds, tendon and ligament injuries, neurological conditions and post orthopedic surgery.


Looking inside with X-rays X-rays are vital diagnostic tool in the investigation of disease and also in the screening of healthy animals.

At the Green Cross we only use digital radiography.

Like digital photography, digital radiography removes the need for processing of films and means that X-ray images are instantly available for examination by our vets and visible on all computer screens within the practice.

Looking inside with ultrasound.

Ultrasound in small animal veterinary medicine has grown rapidly and at the Green Cross we use the latest and most sophisticated ultrasound machine available in the market.

This has allowed early diagnosis and better management of diseases, which previously went undetected for months or years.

It is proving its value, particularly in respect of cases such as pregnancy diagnosis, evaluation of the size and normality of internal organs, evaluation of heart function, blood flow and examination of structures within the eye, which make its cost very well worthwhile.